Your Partners In Product

Produco provide flexible product firepower, so that you can keep your show on the road.

With lightning-fast onboarding, we plug a gap in your team by designing and delivering excellence.

step by


Uncover your uniqueness.

We take the time to understand you. In our no-commitment discovery session, we understand the gap that needs to be plugged.


Hit the ground sprinting.

Our PM takes charge, but doesn’t take over. From Day 1, they will integrate into your organisation to unlock value and deliver excellence. 


Working with exit in mind.

After meeting your needs, we will enact a seamless handover. We make it easy and seamless to backfill us with a permanent team member.

our Approach

Missionaires, Not Mercenaries.

Sometimes, the show must go on. We buy you some breathing room while you find the perfect permie. Whether backfilling a replacement, or seeding a new venture, we organise, prioritise, and deliver. Our hard hitters establish themselves quickly and plug the gap.


Everything we do is with our exit in mind. We build documentation as we go, imbed better ways of working, and share knowledge openly and widely. When your permanent product person arrives, the handover is painless, productive and professional.

Why Us?

Designed to be deleted

We work with our exit in mind. We train our replacements, set them up with a solid backlog, and create breathing room for them to thrive.

As flexible as you need

We offer resources that fit your unique needs. Whether that is full-time or part-time, in-person or remote, we can fit the bill.

Sharing loud and proud

Our team pride themselves on their expertise. We make it our mission to share that across your organisation: whether that’s formal training, or casual coaching.

Clear and predictable pricing

Our simple and honest pricing model is easy to work into your forecasts. With no hidden surprises, what you see is what you get.

Ready to get going?

Set a call up today to begin discovery. Have someone onboard in as little as two weeks.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Reach out to us today and get a complimentary business review and consultation.